Twisted Fire Industries is recruiting volunteers to help out during the Carolina Fire Days in Charlotte, NC. Some people are curious and wonder, “I have no experience in the fire service, is this even something I can be helpful with?”
Most people aren’t aware of the details, training and knowledge it entails to be a successful firefighter. Training events are the perfect opportunity to learn and to give back to those who show up and give us their all on the worst days of our lives. By supporting our men and women in the fire service we are helping them learn to overcome obstacles they may face on the fireground and allowing them hands-on training to practice real world techniques from other experienced firefighters from all over the country. An opportunity to share knowledge on what works and doesn't work when it comes to saving YOUR life. So, how can you help?
GET INVOLVED! There are several ways to get involved. Here’s how:
- Volunteer for jobs such as:
- Coffee duty
- Registration and distributing swag packs
- Setting up tents, tables, chairs
- Shuttle from airport and hotels
- Setting up, serving, and cleaning up lunch
- Keeping coolers stocked with ice and bottled waters
- Help keeping site cleaned, picking up trash, and emptying trash cans
- Swag sales
- Taking photos and videos
- Hanging signs and banner
- Clean up and pack up when class is over
- Raffle table
When there is down time, take that opportunity to get to know each other. You can listen in on these classes and observe what they are doing. It’s actually very entertaining and even though you may not use it personally, you gain a whole new perspective of their job. You witness men and women who come together from all over, who never worked together before, and team up to show you what real teamwork, trust, and brotherhood is all about. You will leave this event tired, but also refreshed, motivated, and inspired. Volunteering your time at a fire training event is like no other experience.
Instructors, students, and volunteers all have to eat and stay hydrated. Consider sponsoring a meal, or donating light and healthy snacks or water.
Donate Raffle Items:
We like to have fun, and after a long day of training, it’s pretty cool to go home a winner. So what do firefighters want to win in a raffle? Things to help make their job efficient. Tickets to other fire conferences. Items like tools (Halligan, Hook, wedges), leather helmets, leather glove strap, radio strap. Firefighters also like to eat, so gift cards to a restaurant or grocery store. They are taking this weekend away from their spouse/significant other, so maybe the ultimate date night package to make up for it. Still unsure? You can send in a monetary donation and our crew will do the work for you!
If you or someone you know may be interested in getting involved, contact us at support@carolinafiredays.com